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You hear a rustling downstairs, it's Christmas eve and you've been so excited waiting for the big day. All your friends and family will be here soon and you've worked so hard decorating and preparing. You'd just dozed off when you heard that noise and went downstairs to investigate. 

As you tiptoe down the stairwell you notice someone rumbling around your living room muttering to themself. You hear the gentle ring of Christmas bells and you start to be taken in by the whimsy in the sound. Who could this be? The figure looks too short to be any of your friends and your family are all upstairs cozy in their beds. As you draw closer you see that this figure is a woman. She is roughly four foot tall and is curvaceous, like a Christmas pin up doll. She turns to face you and you notice her lips are as red as Santa's coat and her hair as black as the night sky on a winter's eve.  Her cheeks are flushed from the snow and she has pointed elf ears poking through the sides of her long hair. 

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to wake you." She giggles, her eyes shining brightly as the stars in the sky. "I've just come to make sure everything was up to standard." She looks down at a clipboard in her hands and rustles through a pile of papers. You are confused as to what exactly she has written down Her face turns to a wicked grin as she looks back up at you. "Well, well.. It seems a fortunate mishap indeed that you should come down the stairs and find me, it seems like you've been naughty this year. I have been sent to reprogramme you in our naughty retraining centre at the North Pole." You don't know what shes talking about. How could you be naughty? Besides the whole Santa ordeal with his naughty and nice list is just a myth, a children's story. Or is it? 

Before you have a chance to reply she lunges over to you and sprays your face with a white mist. It smells like gingerbread and sugar cookies. You are feel a warm glow inside you starting to spread as you realise that you have been drugged. The sleepy spray starts to take over and thoughts of sugarplums dance around your head and the cheeky elf girl captures you in a sack and steals you away... 

Want to see the end?
Stay posted for my upcoming fantasy hypnosis file "Kidnapped For Christmas" 



That sounds like it's going to interesting and fun. Looking forward to listening to this.