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So, here’s a brief life and work update into what’s going on.

I’ve been having a few issues lately, and no don’t worry I’m not letting these spill out into my work. First and foremost I will always work hard to keep this ball rolling and get out the files I want to make when I want to make them. That said I have been less harsh on my self this last week due to some of the new things in my life.

I’m getting qualified as a certified hypnotist. Yes, from now until January I’ll be up at 4am most Sundays and Monday’s for my classes with Wiseguy. I’ve had two so far and already I see improvement in my confidence and ability to know the why behind what I do. Also, I have a couple new inductions up my sleeve that I will be working on tomorrow.

As far as videos go, filming has been not so great. Typically I wait until the wee hours of the morning to do this when I have a quiet house but this has been tearing me apart. Last week I saw my doctor and was diagnosed with social anxiety and OCD. The good and bad news is for the next year I am on meds. Great because I feel better and my schedule is coming right, bad news because they make me sleepy to the point where staying up past 11pm/12am each night is near impossible. To counterbalance this I will be looking to film a few times a week and then saving up all the files to be released twice a week.

My board is still packed with files and I can’t wait to get started on them tomorrow.

If you would like more updates as they come make sure to jump onto discord and hang out with me there. I usually keep everyone posted into what’s happening behind the scenes.

Also as a quick MASSIVE thanks and great bit of news. I have FINALLY been able to afford my tickets for charmed. That’s all my flights and hotel booked and able to be paid for. So, for any of you going to charmed make sure you pop into one of my classes or drop me a text on discord and I’ll find some time to meet you and say hi. Thank you all so much for being wonderfully supportive, without all your help I would not have been able to get this opportunity and as always I’ll continue working my butt off for this channel.

XOXO The Secret Subject



Good on you and well done Dyllan


That's great news about charmed and the hypnosis certification. Take care of yourself.

Jamie T

Keep up the good work. All the best!


I must ask since there are no stupid questions, what is charmed.