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So when I tested this file on Alice last night to see if there was too much reverb she feel too hard so I let her try the whole thing. When she woke up (which I was thinking her subconscious might not considering how tired she was) I said "How was that honey?" her response, "<Insert variety of cute sleepy noises>.. huh?" Apparently this file did a number on her from the moving audio, so, enjoy!


This file is very simple, just a gentle relaxation but the audio comes from all around you and will feel as if it's moving around your head. 


This is a basic relaxation fantasy where you are found in an abandoned house by a ghost girl who is going to relax you and look after you, because unlike the rest of the house she is made of pure relaxation energy. 


This is a general file for everyone, there are touch based suggestions some people might not like if you don't like touch, also the audio is very whispery and moves around your head so fo you don't like that idea and ASMR style recording you might not be into this.


This is just a fantasy file where you are relaxed by a ghost girl. She wraps her arms around you and you feel her pure relaxation energy flow through you. This file also doubles as a sleep file as the wake up at the end is optional. 

