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Okay, so now patreon has started getting its act together I will be putting out the secret file tonight. It is a brainwashing file and will be based on turning you into my compliant little plaything. 

Get ready it's going to be INTENSE.

And for those of whom that doesn't appeal, do not fear. I will be recording a bunch of new things tonight including some more candle videos and the start of Septembers "Monster Mash" Theme!


Barking Alien

Patreon is odd. I changed my primary payment method a while back, but it continues to try and charge the older card first. I just deleted my original. Hopefully that will help.


Sounds absolutely lovely. I just signed up for your Patreon today (Sept 3). Am I still eligible for the September secret file, or am I too late?


You're late


The file only goes out 4 people that were patreon for the last month