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So, with September coming (and my show ending thank goodness) I have a lot of new plans in the works.

The secret file this month is going to be a long brainwashing file. It’s going to be generic and make you feel controlled to the max, mindless and blank!

Next months plans is MONSTER MONTH. I have plans for a bunch of universal monster themed files such as a mummification file, more vampires, swamp things and more!

I also wanna make more fractionation files and longer files so you may not get as much content but it will all be high quality experiences and will be very worth your while.

I’ll also be planning more video content for the higher tiers, being in the musical has taken a lot of time off my schedule so once I’m not doing that anymore I’ll have a bit more time and it’s a goal of mine always to be constantly upgrading my channel and making more work and keeping the quality high.

Thank you for the continued support!
XOXO The Secret Subject



I hope the musical was an enjoyable experience for you as you've put a lot of hard work into it. All of your future plans for files look great.

Lucio Amante

So Halloween is coming one month earlier! :)

Jamie T

Can't wait to see what's coming next, Miss.