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What started out as a me doing whatever the hell I like kind of file turned into a twisted game of arousal, submission and control, all mixed up with some fractionated edging. The question is, are you ready to play?


This is the most intense fractionation/submission/arousal file I have ever made (second to control freak) and if you liked that you will LOVE this. In this file we discuss control and my need to play a fun little game, before we even start you are going to have to CONVINCE me from your knees you wanna play and then it's no holds barred. All you have to do is touch yourself and try not to let the pleasure sap all your mind, will and control, easy right? 


This has heavy themes of dominance, control, pleasure control and involves a lot of kneeling and begging. God, I do love begging. So make sure you do this in a space where you can kneel and play at the same time and since this has a lovely ending (*wink*) make sure you have time to clean up any messes afterwards. Body and mind... This is also heavy fractionation and quick up and downs so it will scramble your mind into a subby, horny mess. If that sounds like something for you then give it a go.


This has heavy dominance themes and refers to wanting to do things for me. There is fractionation, pleasuring oneself, reminders of pleasure triggers (gender neutral, as always), and a controlled release at the end for a nice finish. The language used may be quite heavy for some and there is ideas of dripping control like a leaky tap. 


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