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Hey everyone! So someone told me that there are issues with patreon this month and banks saying that their support is a “fraudulent” purchase. So, the video will be waiting for those who’s pledges declined. If in the next couple of days you manage to get it sorted awesome you will still get your videos for the month!

It is an issue with patreon, but unfortunately it may take a bank call. I am just saying this because there were at least 20 if not more of you on the decline page this month.

Thanks you for the support and sorry for the screw up!
XOXO The Secret Subject



Yeah, I had to log into my bank's website and authorize it along with a few other purchases I'd made that day that my bank decided to also flag for funsies. I wonder what Patreon did wrong this time to have hit so many people like this...

Lee Hunter

Patreon's payment system has always been dodgy. Especially after the big hack. The site is a great idea but the execution is shoddy at best.

Andrew Mhaol

As for me, I was a dumbass and let my card expire. A recent move means it will be a while till I get another credit card.


I just used a different card


Used a different card and payment went through.


yes used a different card and transaction went through


Awesome, don’t worry patreon will show me a list of who’s did and didn’t this month it’s just more than usual because of the mess up. It seems to be mostly for us with charge up front on but as you all know I need that so I can live. Thank you all for being so patient I have three, (yes three) new videos for you! Two for those who’s support is cleared and one for the general page as a thank you.


I will check my bank this weekend..not sure if mine was one or not.