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So, I tried live streaming about this but that ended up with me crying on the floor eating cake like Trisha Paytas (no shade to her, I bet she's lovely), instead I will have to make a long sappy post about how cool this week was. 

It's been a year since I started this journey to discover a new side of me, a new job, a job I could be passionate about and really enjoy and I am grateful every single day for it. This week has been a dream of mine for a few years now. I remember back when I was hooked on files, I would read all about the cons on other blogs and tumblr pages and imagine a day when I was able to finally meet others who liked hypnosis as much as I did and who were passionate and fun, and who would finally drop me in "real life." 

Well, not only did I start switching this year but I also made this. I have worked and worked to get here through making my videos and files, I have been lucky enough to find a local kink community who want me to be there with them, I have a sub who I have now met in real life and honestly adore more than anything and now I have not only been to but taught at Entranced with one of my idols, Wiseguy. I never could have imagined that people would want to talk to me let alone tell me they are having a fan(insert pronoun of choice) moment over me. It's honestly even surreal now as I write this to think in one year how that could happen. 

Now, I am being asked to teach again, go to Charmed and do more of this stuff and I would be honoured to say yes. If this small empire we are building grows I will be happy to start doing the 24 hour flights again because trust me folks, this has all been very much worth it. (Ask me again tomorrow when I am on a long 14 hour flight back home...) 

Some highlights have been meeting lots of online friends IRL, and especially a certain long-time patron of mine who had the coolest reaction to seeing me that I have ever seen. Seriously that moment will stick with me for a very long time. I also got chance to live out some of the brainwashing fantasies I had been planning and do some amazing bonding with my sub and I seriously will cry a lot tomorrow having to leave her. See what you all have done, you've turned this non-hugging asshole into a sappy snuggler. 

I know I say this a lot but thank you all for the year of support and for changing my life. I hope that I can continue to provide quality content and experiences for you for years to come and who knows what will happen by Charmed. 

Keep it trancey everyone!

XOXO The Secret Subject



We love you

Lucio Amante

No need to thank us, we should be thanking you for all the fun you provide us, be it kinky or not, for listening to us like noone other person in this business would do and more importantly for the amazing person you are. You're the one of the most genuine people I've ever met in this enviroment, both here and on discord and in your files...it's clear how much fun you're having :) To keep it short...We LOVE you and YOU ROCK!


I am so glad that you had such a great experience! That's just wonderful to hear.


Hey when's the next file coming out I miss your voice in my head I feel like your brain washing me lol sometimes I just go blank no thoughts I was wondering if you had something to do with that umm lol

Matt in NE

I still hope you can come to NEEHU.


I’m going to try at some point. Charmed I think I may have help to get to do let’s hope so. I can’t make them all because for me it’s a long journey and very expensive. But I will do what I can do 😊


I can't find anything on the next coming event


When is it where is it


Charmed is Baltimore in Jan, over Martin Luther King weekend

