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So, this is a quick taste of whats coming this month and the lead into next month!



Damn I will need to check out Entranced for next year. Looks like it would be fun.


Hi! Gratz about entranced! It’s great to see someone with your kind of dedication receiving this attentions and recognition =) About the glowing eyes, you could try some of the following options, maybe one of them fits to your needs... ( I saw people using all of them in different occasions) 1-) FX contact lenses with light uncommon colors (like the heavenly blue is used by Underworld’s Selene cosplayers) 2-) FX Glowing Dark Light contact lenses, they react to dark light and really glows, but you will get a dark purple illumination to your video 3-) Circular professional photo light. You put your camera inside them and, with the proper angle, you will get a shine light ring inside your eyes 4-) “After effects” video editing. It’s not that hard to do, you have a lot of free softwares and YouTube tutorials to help achieve your goal... But you gonna need to invest some time to learn how to do it...