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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be drugged by a plants sweet perfume, bound by vines and had your will sucked out of you as you became a slave? Well nows your chance with this dark castle saga file!

(Make sure you listen to Dark Castle Induction first)


The Enchantress is here to introduce you to her latest experiment, sentient plants. These don't need water and sunlight for food because they feed off of brainpower and will of their victims alone, and you are on todays menu. 


Anyone who likes the idea of being tied up, drugged by plants and having your will sucked out through a vine leeching into your head. 


This is a fantasy file so it plays out like a story. Contains drug play and references to chloroform, being tied up in vines and having your will sucked out. There is no wakeup at the end and you can come up in your own time, so it gives you chance to stay in the fantasy for as long as possible. 



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