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So I asked the patreon overlords about who's pledges have been processed and those who haven't declined have received a message with their demise!

If you didn't receive the file let me know and I'll figure that out.

Have fun!



I've got the message and patreon haven't even begun to charge me. System might be lying miss.


Well thank you for that! Learning curve these things are. So for this month everyone on my list is getting it. Next month I’ll wait a few days post payment.


I got the email Miss, but no file. All payments look to have cleared. 🤔


It appears my payment went through recieved the email and the file. (atleast that’s what patreon is telling me) I hope everything works out Miss!


I...oh, Miss....this is..nnnhhh...


I...am...demised and I haven’t...even given it a proper...listening yet...nnnngggghhhh


Okay, I'm not happy. I accessed the file earlier today with no trouble but I had no time to listen to it. Now when I try to, I get blocked by Google with a message telling me I need permission to access Google drive and telling me I'm signed in under a different email than I use for this. I make doubly sure I am completely signed out of everything and try again only to be told I have to sign in - but I only have one Google account and when I sign in with that I get the same blocking message. Does anyone have any suggestions? (And yes, I was signed in at Patreon just in case that mattered.)


Hey Larry, another person got the same message. I have granted you permission to see it and am looking into the issue now. Sorry that you are so upset over this snag. Unfortunately with new systems issues may arise but please know I am taking care of this matter ASAP. I would recommend also downloading the file if you can for future uses just in case.


I didn't


That is because you joined in May and not April, this was only for those who were patrons in April. You will get yours 1st of June.


Will new people get the file that just signed up


The new one yes, last months one no. At the end of each month I will send out the file to those people who's support went through on time. Once all the pledges are collected then the file will go out via a patreon message containing the content warning and the link to the drop box. This will happen each month. As long as you sign up prior to the pledges going through anf the pledge does indeed clear then you will receive your file.


So just to clarify I just signed up about an hour or two ago so I won't get the mays month file? Am I understanding that right. A friend of mine suggested made you my mind is like a big giant wall I need someone like you to dig through it lol


A friend of mine suggested you LOL


Last months file is archived and was sent to those whose support went through on the 1st of May. The new file that will be released on the 2nd of June (depending on when the support clears for everyone) will be sent to you as your pledge is received this month. Patreon works on a charge at the end of the month basis so this is how the secret file system works as well as all the other videos and perks you get along the way.