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So April has been my best month to date with tons of new faces on the supporters list and lots of amazing projects in the works including the new file "Hard Decisions" which will be PM'ed to those who's pledges go through over the new few days. This will be a monthly theme leading up to July as I make some of the most intense files I've ever worked on. (These will come with detailed CW's so be sure you read and understand before listening)

So with only ten weeks until I fly to Chicago what horrible things do I have planned for May?

Firstly, May you feel the power of the force this May! That's right a Star Wars themed video. Get ready to be convinced that "this is not the Domme you are looking for" as you feel the powers of my jedi mind trickery. Just when you think it can't get any nerdier watch as I make you my Slave Leia before freezing you in carbonite. Hopefully I will be able to get this out for my $25 supporters by May the 4th but due to the camera being broken we will see how I go!

More Dark Castle! That's right the comments have been so far everyone has really enjoyed their trip to the Dark Castle to meet with the Enchantress and she has many more games to play with you as you explore the grounds some more. In the next few weeks I have hopes for the following expansions on the Castle Saga:


-Evil Queen (Mirror, Mirror)  -Already Recorded and should be out ASAP

-Sleeping Beauty

-Wishing Well (Be Careful What You Wish For)

-Botanical Bondange 

I am also recording tonight working on a very special file "Bimbowned" Crystal's first try at an obedience fractionation file. But all's not what it will appear so expect a devious twist and hopefully this will be one of my longer fractionation files to date.

I will also be working on some more beginner tracks with my new set up, just for YouTube and if I have the time. As well as the usual things that pop into my brain as we go along. 

Remember if you have any ideas of files you would like to see make sure to let me know. I love hearing these ideas and they always seem to inspire me to create further, better and always upgrade my work for all of you. 

Thank you so much for the support! 

XOXO The Secret Subject



So much amazing! Thank you, Miss!


Thanks Miss all of those sound amazing.


Thank you Secret Subject!

The Boabster

Fabby work, well done. I'd like to see a pocket watching with a more relaxing / energising Awakener in it, as if you play list all of your videos it can be a little rough coming back to terms with reality (which is my way of saying their all bloody good and powerful :-)).