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Before I post the following I just want to say how important it is to have pre-talks, safewords (that the subconscious can say as well) and a partner who knows just what is about to happen and are consenting before hand. Safety first. 

Something I've been working on for Tumblr, I may post more of these here and even record them if you like. 

This is a moment I have been thinking about for a while. I LOVE mind control and brainwashing imagery and I am lucky to have so many people to play with who share this interest. So the following scene is one I have been planning for a while. I will make a few files called the "Demise Training Series" these are files that will have intense loops and really could do some fun things for the person listening. 

At the end of the scene I can imagine continuing my Doll training with things such as kneeling and repeating mantras, or having to repeat them as I pose the sub and showing them that I am the one in control and making those tough decisions. 

Aftercare is essential and PRAISE THE HOUSE DOWN! Because subs should be treated as precious gems. Which they are. 

Picture this. 

You find yourself in a dimly lit room, the only light to guide you being the candles scattered around the floor. 

You try to move an arm. It’s stuck. Bound. Tied to the arm of the chair that you wake up on. How you got here you aren’t quite sure, but you do know that you are helpless. 

A dark figure emerges from the shadows, a woman. You are just faintly able to make out her features. Pale skin, painted dark lips with a wicked grin and hauntingly deep, captivating eyes. So entrancing that the second your eyes meet hers you know you are done for. 

You try hard as you can to look away but you can’t seem to rip your eyes away from hers. It all seems too difficult to even entertain that thought, so you stare on. Noticing with each passing second you start to fade into her spell. It almost feels vampiric the way she feeds off your energy and drains your will so fast. All in a single glance. 

You feel your body start to grow limp. 



You relax into the feeling, knowing how good it feels just to give into her power. 

You are helpless to do anything but give in.

You are helpless to do anything but let her take your mind.

Your body.

Your will.

That’s when you notice her moving towards you. She has something in her hands that you can just see in your periphery. Headphones. 

Its at that moment you know then exactly what she has in store. As you continue to stare up at her and she inches ever closer. You know now she has you in her trap. Her snare. Her grasp. But you have been this whole time. 

You start to remember why you are here. You start to recall the memories she borrowed from your mind. The games she told you about all those moments ago before she dimmed the lights, tied you up and blanked your mind. 

You know exactly what is to come, you did all along. 

This isn’t the first time you’ve played this game with her, with your Miss and it won’t be the last. 

Headphones on. 

Time for reprogramming Doll.


Donald Pelles

Sounds delicious. But can I follow all that??


Yes please 😍

Matt in NE

I volunteer as tribute.


Yes, Miss. Please more.


literally looking at tickets now because of this post <3


I love this but i've always liked the idea of Dollification


gasps at the last sentence here, then a shudder of excitement and mmmm.