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This is an idea from a very close friend of mine who together we have been coming up with some Entranced ideas. (Ten points if you can guess who...)

This was one of them that I was so pleased with I recorded two versions, her version and this one to share with all of you! Check out the transcript below to see what’s in it!

WARNING: This is a brainwashing fantasy which depicts signing your mind away to me, such things in real life would be an abuse of power and thus this is just a brief scene and fantasy file. Keep that in mind!

This contract is to transfer ownership of one, your brain to The Secret Subject for the period of time in which she has her pocket watch on her person on the date of whenever she feels like it.

While your brain is missing, you agree to be left in a blank and brainless state in which you will be The Secret Subject’s little doll sinking into a deep, deep, deep trance state and will remain as such for the remainder of the period in question or until The Secret Subject opens the pocket watch before your eyes.

Through signing this contract, you understand that you will no longer need to think, because thinking is just too difficult anyway and you know it’s much easier to listen and obey. You agrees that The Secret Subject is a trusted party in which to openly give your brain to and can feel safe, secure and relaxed in the knowledge that you will always be taken care of.

You know that it is much easier to just follow and be led, you know that it is much easier to sink rather than think and she agrees to the following clauses:

5. You will listen and obey to whatever The Secret Subject says, The Secret Subject is a trusted party and shall be treated as such.

4. You will sink deeper and deeper while time passes her by, occasionally aided by the whispers inside her head reminding her to be a good subject.

3. You will remember to relax and sink into the blissful feelings of being a little doll for The Secret Subject, enjoying your time of being happy and bubbly.

2. You will remember to forget to think about thinking, as thinking is just so difficult anyway. Like decisions are hard thus so thinking must be hard.

1. You will sleep deep for The Secret Subject and sign your mind away for the remainder of the day or until The Secret Subject decides to let you have it back.

Be a good subject and sign on the dotted line, thus giving me control on your mind and allowing you to be my mindless, little Doll.




Sweet! I’ll sign!


Oooh, very nice. This sounds like it should be a whole lot of fun to see, whenever it happens at the con.


so where does one sign ive got a pen ready


So signed!


I would love for you to create an expanded induction or complete trance based on this concept. It works on so many levels! The idea of making it ‘official’ that the subject will be hypnotized and under your control helps with the motivation to submit. And counting down the various contract stipulations is a nice touch.


You can brainwash my mind for as long as you like. The media do it every day. This would be much nicer brainwashing. I wonder what you might want me to do for you when brainwashed ;)


...............vincent m


*signs immediately*


Little max


ooooh. so much fun! imagine a full file of this! the doll part would drive me nuts. lol.