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Another story read from the excellent @gigglinggoblin honestly, these are so fun to record and the stories are always really hot!

Remember these are NOT hypnosis files just erotic lit stories and make sure you give Giggling Goblin a follow and check out her patreon here:


For super secret hypnotic content and files I also have patreon or for plenty of free files, educational videos and other shenanigans check out my YouTube channel!



[addressing: transgirl]

Just one more bite, pretty girl! Mm… isn’t that yummy? So sweet. Just like you bimbos like it. Let that sweetness wash over you, wash out all those boring little thoughts. Nothing left but yummy, slutty sweetness. Good girl. And you love me in your lap, wiggling my hips on top of your sweet little slutty cock, don’t you?

I said, don’t you?

That’s my girl! Good girl good girl good girl. Such a good little bimbo! I love you so much. And you want another bite, don’t you?

No? Are you sure? Because you seem so happy and slutty right now. I can feel your cock throbbing. So needy and happy and horny. You just can’t help yourself, silly girl.

Go on. Be a good girl. Take another bite. You know you can’t resist. Can’t bear to refuse me…

Good girl! There’s my good, obedient little doll. And isn’t that yummy? It’s so sweet, it’s actually filling your head with fluffy, sweet goopy love. The more you eat, the sillier and more in love you get. So you’re kinda brainwashing yourself, really. Because you want to be in love.

Love to obey. Isn’t that nice? Yes, it is! Such a good girl! And it feels so good when I praise you, doesn’t it? Yes, it does! That’s my good, good, yummy happy wonderful bimbo. I love you so much.

Aw. You want another bite, don’t you? Of course you do.

Just one more bite. Just one more bite of this delicious, moist, sweet cake.

Just one more bite. Just a little bit sweeter, sweetie, just a little bit dumber and emptier.

You love me wriggling on top of your cute, slutty cock, don’t you? Does my girl like this? Doesn’t it make it hard to resist? Don’t you want to brainwash yourself more? Isn’t it hard to not want that when you love me so much already? Aw…

Just one more bite, baby.

Good girl! Mm, and so happy and docile. It’s so nice to just… fill yourself. No more worries about fighting. About being alone. About being unwanted. Such a nice, sweet, empty-headed bimbo, happily emptying her silly mind out so I can fill it with love.

You love me, don‘t you?

Of course you do! It feels too good not to love me! Hee!

Just one more bite, sweetie.

Go on. That’s it. Just one more bite.

The faster you finish your cake, the faster you’ll be finished becoming my sweet, submissive pet. And then… Ooh, then I can fuck my darling pet’s brains out. Doesn’t your adorable cock want that?

I thought so. Good girl.

Good girl…

My good, sweet girl…

The cupid is an uncommon fey often referred to as a “kissing angel”. Specializing in saccharine sweetness, cupids like to render their victims totally, utterly infatuated with them. Some do this through baking, others through adoring kisses. It is largely a matter of personal preference. Those that bake usually like to pamper their pets with endless pleasure, while those that kiss like to keep their pets constantly on the edge, entranced in blissful denial by every mind-melting touch of Mistress’s lips on their skin.

Cupids have delicate egos, and they require their slaves to not only obey them, but adore them. It is difficult to exit an encounter with a cupid without accepting a bite from some sweet dish she has made, or a little kiss on the cheek. From there, the cupid will ply her new victim until their temper has been melted into pure, sweet love.

It is said that of all the wicked fey who enslave and dominate mortals, to be slave to a cupid is by far the sweetest, most blissful, experience imaginable. Some spend their whole lives seeking them out for precisely this reason. Freedom isn’t for everyone.




i love You Miss


Wow, very sexy especially with your hypnotic voice.