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So this is the audio clip from my recent collaboration with Giggling Goblin on Tumblr, they write the BEST stories! So I wanted to post it here for those of you who wanted the clip to keep. 

Here is the original post!

So lately I have been getting a ton of requests to record certain erotic fantasy/fiction stories a bit like my fanfic series. Well I decided to reach out to my new friend Giggling Goblin after hearing a TON about their work from some of my discord friends, and she said yes she would let me record a story and well, here we are. 

*DISCLAIMER* This is a fantasy and contains very heavy themes of domination, humiliation, arousal and bimbofication. This is not a hypnosis file and if you would like to know what is said, the script is below! In saying that, I hope you like it. 

Follow Giggling Goblin and support their patreon!




Oh. You left the blinds closed. Naughty girl.

You knew what would happen if you did that, didn’t you, you horny little simmering slut? Oh, you knew. You hot little whore.

I’m going to have to punish you for this, little one. And I know that’s what you want. Oh, don’t shake your head no—we both know what you want, my sweet slutty slave. You want what you deserve.

I’m going to have to leak a few more little thoughts out of that pretty little head of yours.

And you can’t look away, can you? Oh, what a shame. Can’t help but look into my pretty, shimmering red eyes as I slowly drag at your consciousness, pull you deeper, deeper, deeper into a pretty world of red. It’s so nice here, in the Rose Mist. So fuzzy and soft. You feel so safe, so aroused and mindless and blissful, riiight on the edge.

You love it when I pull you here, don’t you?

I know you do. I can see your lip trembling. Ooh, it feels so nice.

It’s okay to moan, little slut. If your wife hears you, I’ll just take her, too. And you want that, don’t you? You love it when I take you two together, because you love her and want her to be happy. And nothing makes her happier than submitting to me.

Yesss. Moan for me, slut. Whimper and whine like the slave to the Rose Mist you are. Sink deeper into the Rose Mist. Let it consume you. Let your resistance just… drip-drip-drip away.

Why don’t you start stroking yourself, slut? Mm. Yes. Nice and wet down there. So nice to edge yourself nice and wet and stupid. That’s what the Rose Mist does to you.

Since you’ve been so very naughty—and this isn’t the first time you’ve defied me, you silly, empty-headed girl—I think I’m going to take a few more thoughts than usual.

I think you’re going to spend the rest of this night drooling and cumming your brains out. It’s what you’ve earned. You’ll feel so much better afterwards.

You’re leaking, slut. You can’t wait. You’re sinking so deep down, and everything is opening for me. Your mind is naked. Soft. Yielding. Just like you, my soft, sleepy little slut.

That’s it. Stroke ever-so-delicately. Little touches. I don’t want you cumming early, now. I want you nice and compliant and empty-headed by the time I’m ready to turn you into a whimpering little melty puddle of mindfucked pleasure.

Feels so nice edge and to obey.

Feel so nice to edge and obey.

Feels so nice… to edge… and obey.

Speak up, slut. Mistress wants to hear you whimper it.

Feels so nice to edge and obey.

Feels so nice to edge and obey.

How does it feel, slut? How does it feel to sink deeper and deeper into the Rose Mist? Nothing but that sweet, peaceful state of denial.

How does it feel, silly, silly girl?

Mmm… oh, yes, it does. Good girl. Nice, entranced plaything.

Come closer, slut. I think you’re ready for your punishment now.

You feel so nice right now, don’t you? So nice and dizzy and edge-drunk. So dumb and dazed and drifty. If only you let your mind melt completely, sweet thing, you could feel like this all the time. I wouldn’t even have to visit anymore.

But you were naughty. No, don’t whimper and whine. Silly girl. You were naughty, and so now you have to cum. No more nice edging for the night. But after tonight… ooh, you’ll be so much more obedient and dreamy for me, won’t you?

Beg me for your punishment, slut. Beg me to punish you. Beg to be disciplined like a naughty slut like you deserves.

Mm… alright, then. If that’s what you want.

Cum for me.

Cum for me.

Cum for me.

Feel that nice, blissful peace burn away into roaring pleasure. Cum for me, slut. Feel your mind dripping out from you as you stroke and stroke and moan and whine. Just… oozing out of you. Cum for me. What a panting, brainless little whore you are. Cum for me.

You can’t handle it. It’s too much, too much, too much. Cum for me. Poor, silly slut. The pleasure floods your mind, your heart, your soul. I have you. Cum for me. I will always have you. Cum for me. Let your brains just flow out of you. Silly sluts like you don’t need brains.

This town is mine. You are mine. And I think I know what your problem is, sweet slut.

You think your heart belongs to that cute little thing upstairs, don’t you? You think you love her so much. She probably even makes you think you like cumming from her hot little mouth. You think your heart belongs to her.

But it doesn’t.

Your heart, my sweet slave, belongs to me. You can lick her, and kiss her, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, but you will always choose me over her. You will always betray her for me, you horny, treacherous little minx.

Because you are my submissive, drippy, dumb little slutty slave. And I am your Mistress.

Cum for your Mistress, slave.

And then I want you to call out to her. I want you to call out to her, smooth and cool, without a hint of uncertainty, and ask her to come down and… look at something. Would you do that for me?

I’ll let you stay in the Rose Mist all week if you do, after tonight. Nice and calm. Drifting on the edge of orgasm for a whole week. Drifting for me. Empty-headed. Glassy-eyed. Obedient. Compliant. Just lost in lust, lost in pleasure. A happy little rose-headed bimbo.

Doesn’t that sound nice?

Can you do it for me, slut?

Oh, such a good girl. And here she comes now. Ooh, I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she sees my eyes and realizes what a good girl you’ve been. Right before it melts into that same glossy, dizzy look you have now, of course.

Oh, don’t cry like that, sweet slave. You can’t pretend you didn’t secretly want this.

After all, you may have closed the blinds…

… but you left the window open, didn’t you?

Such a good little slut.

A particularly cruel type of undead spirit known for its brainwashing powers, the smoke tyrant rises from the soul of a dictator, an abusive lover, or anyone who abused their power over others in life and wishes to continue doing so in death.

Smoke tyrants—also known as “nightwatchers”, for their habit of patrolling their towns or neighborhoods each night to choose one or two victims to torment—love nothing better than to control and claim that which is rightfully another’s. They hate love and pleasure, and teach their slaves to crave lives of constant edged daze, unable to think straight save to follow their Mistress’s commands.

When a smoke tyrant is on patrol, it is best to try to avoid her notice. Lie in bed, try to fall asleep, and pray she chooses a difference house this night.

But she always seems to know when someone has been needing a visit.



Wonderful! Your voice fits perfectly for this. :)


This is a delicious file.