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Hello my lovely listeners! <br><br>Just a quick update on what’s happening with the upcoming files and such. <br><br>Because I’ve started school I jut needed some time to get acquainted with the system and such so files have been a bit on the back burner however that’s all about to change this week with some amazing content coming (including more video files!) <br><br>I just also want to say this weekend has been a time and I didn’t wanna get anyone invested in my drama but thank you to all of you on the discord who have been there for me. <br><br>Because I clearly don’t say it enough, I appreciate the heck outta you all and what you have helped me to achieve over the last six months or so. <br><br>XOXO The Secret Subject <br><br>PS. Any ideas to add to the new idea board?




Sleep hypnosis in the hypno room using a spiral would be great!


hehehe some ideas that ik you've heard but just so they are... idk, you asked for ideas to add to the board so: the Dice/DnD induction The willbreaker/suggestibility enhancer the demoninc bimbo tihng whisper tracks meant to be paired with like, other medias so you can brainwash yourself while listening to more...socially acceptable things in public. any sort of bimbo related thing tbh, doll related or not

Sleepy Wil

I think during your first 'get ready with me' fractionation video, I vaguely remember you suggesting the thought of a VR headset being strapped to us which had another video hypnotizing us while already under? I might be imagining it, but that theoretical video would be fun to see. :)