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Be warned this file will make you an addict to the voice if you weren't already... 


This file is my first super explicit arousal file. The aim is to make you dumb and horny, linking the pleasure of you playing with yourself to being a dumb and stupid little toy. 





I chose this as first file of yours to listen to after joining you 😍 Wow.... it made my ears ring if that’s normal? lol


This is perfect. Your voice and style and attitude are perfect. This is exactly what I need. This file is impossible to resist...


A year and a half I have been at this. I have only been able to achieve a light hypnagogic experience at best. Until now... I felt my control and awareness completely tossed aside. Like being concious but willing to compromise my defenses. It is all very fun and sexy etc. But I am most fascinated by the sheer willpower that can be forced in to create powerful physiological responses. Your training has paid off. Cheers to you!

Karah Mathiason

Wow that was amazing will be listening to this on a loop


Can't wait to try this one after work tonight :)


If you *are* an addict of the voice already, *don't* preview even 30 seconds of this file. Only listen when you're ready, you can thank me later ;)


I listened to the preview on YouTube, and even that was almost too much. Gonna save this for when I have some time to lose. ;)


So, on the second loop through this, I wasn’t even really dropping and coming up anymore. I was just... gone. Yum!


I mean tht was lik, awesum... i, umm.... yeah...

Jamie T

That was...uhhhhh. Yeah.

Jamie T

Very cool?


Wow that was amazing! :-D


I keep coming backand looping....i cant stop.....thank you!


Guuuh! I can’t stop falling for your voice in this file! It’s amazing!