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This file was originally going to be a live file, live to the point where I take Joe down on Skype with my microphone on however that didn't work out. So here is the re-recorded version. 

This file is a basic induction which will install a trigger for reinduction by me.





the imagery of the elevator descending into the spiral was very effective. and amazing!

Matt in NE

The description of the Hypno-Room reminds me of the main hypno-hang out in Second Life.


Great file, I like it.


How do we find you in second life - I'd love to experience your hypnosis and hypno room in 3D ;D


I have no capacity for visualization to speak of, but the conversational induction part was quite nice. (It also helped that I've listened to a couple other recordings from here already today, but still, I'm sure it'd work just fine if I'd started with it first.)


I just listened to this and it make my whole body buzz! When we got to the door I felt as though I was vibrating like a tuning fork. Your voice is so effective on me.