WIP: Part 74, flowy fans flowing freely (Patreon)
The video interview I recorded with Miia is, in my opinion, gold. I don't often say that about my work, but I like the composition, Miia's bubbliness and calmness at the same time, as well the colours, atmosphere and all of that.
It'll take some time for me to compile the material to what I believe matters, that is interesting and not too flamboyant at the same time. I don't want to make it about flailing the fans around, but more about the substance behind the story Miia is telling.
Show, don't tell, was what I was taught in university about storytelling, when I was learning journalism. Almost always that's the way to go, but sometimes I feel that we must just sit back and enjoy the moment, the person's presence with the camera.
The published product will include a lot of slow-motion fans, hoops and stuff - because it's the easy way.
But the version published to Patrons will be the ultimate one; Miia sitting by her kitchen table, having a conversation with me. With the camera. With you.
Miia being herself.
And that's what I want to show you, because I believe that's what you want to see.
I'll try to gather some other behind the scenes material for Patrons only, too, so worry not. But here's a behind the scenes photo of Miia doing her fan dance.
I'm a big fan of fans. They blow. Air.