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I skipped last Friday's report because I had to travel to the middle of nowhere for 4 days and I had nothing but a laptop that I used to work on the texts for the next HS Tutor update. But now I'm back.

Well, I'm already in the final stages of the update. All the scenes I've made are basically finished, except for a few details of their repeatable variations.

Right now, I'm doing the last two sex scenes that will go into this update: Ursula + Garnet (school), and Ursula + Garnet + Charlotte (school). Here's a list of what I did:

1. Ursula 1 (pool / Ursula + Charlotte)
2. Ursula 2 (pool again / Ursula + Charlotte + Garnet)
3. Ursula 3 (MC's House / Ursula + Zoe)
4. Ursula 4 (swimming test at school)
5. Ursula 5 (first date)
6. Ursula 6 (second date)
7. Ursula 7 (sex / repeatable scene)
8. Ursula + Garnet (school / repeatable scene)
9. Ursula + Garnet + Charlotte (school / repeatable scene)
10. Zoe + Dorothy + Mila (repeatable scene)

All the scenes except 8 and 9 are finished. However, I'm probably going to add things to the repeatable variations.

You may have noticed that Jasmine's (Ursula's Mom) scenes aren't on the list yet, that's because I decided to put them in the next update, since this one is taking forever. So once I've finished the two scenes in the school, added one or two extra positions in the replayable versions, all that's left is to replay the whole game and look for bugs and that's it.

As for the next steps, most patrons have decided that they want another HS tutor update, although a good number have also decided that I should do whatever is most productive. So I've decided that I'll do another HS Tutor update, but a shorter one, and I'll set aside 20% of each day to add the last few things for Solvalley's latest update.

Once you've had sex with Ursula at least once, when you meet her and Garnet at school in the morning, you can invite them both to the storage room to have sex (or you can just call Garnet and repeat the scene that already exists). After doing this scene once, Charlotte will join the gang next time.

Zoe and MC join forces to spank the Milfs' butts. This is the second outcome of the Zoe + Dorothy + Mila scene. The first outcome focuses on Zoe where MC fucks her mercilessly while Mila and Dorothy have their fun with a vibrator.

Some thoughts about other things

As I mentioned above, I'll be working on another update for HS Tutor after this one. The next update will be faster, but I still have the 18k+ lines of Garnet and Mom's script to review, so there's still a bit of boring, unproductive work ahead of me.

I'm also going to take some time to work on the final details of Solvalley, according to the list of things I have to do in the game. I'm going to fulfill the wishes of my patrons, who long ago asked for a new "solo" scene with Valentina (Anastacia's busty mother), an extra scene in the Verdi ending (sharing with Kirk), etc. The only thing that still worries me about Solvalley is that the harem mode is very incomplete. But as one of my patrons said, maybe it's not impossible to go back and add or revise things in the future.

Still on the subject of Solvalley, one thing that has always puzzled me is why almost all of the requests I've received lately have been for "sharing mode", when I estimate that 80% of players more or less prefer the "solo mode". I think the answer is simple: Solvalley has basically exhausted solo interactions. Alex is one of the most sexually active fictional characters in the history of entertainment products. Every girl and her mother, and sister, and maid, has had sex with him several times.

At this point, the only way to make Alex have new experiences is to introduce aliens or beings from other dimensions. By the way... I almost did just that, remember the scene where Kirk gives Alex an alien artifact? Well, I never expanded on that, and I don't think I'm going to, because even for the Solvalley School universe, having sex with an intra-dimensional being is going too far.

But back to the point...with the solo scenes already explored to the point of exhaustion, it was natural to expect that most of the requests would be for something that isn't explored as much, the sharing scenes. There's a problem with that, though. Since Solvalley is a huge game, the possibilities for "sharing" scenes are just as big as the "solo" scenes, and if I keep fulfilling all the fan requests, apart from never finishing the game, I'm going to devote a lot of time to something that isn't what the vast majority of people are interested in (patrons included).

Take my Patreon numbers for example:

Since October 2021, i.e. two years ago, the number of patrons has been in decline. I'm not too worried about this because my goal has never been to become a millionaire who can spend 3 months in the Bahamas and then post about how I haven't been able to work for the last few months because I contracted Ebola or something. But I can't ignore that trend. Although there are still a lot of people asking me to "sharing scenes" for the game, I'll only do those that were asked by patrons and before today. This way I can finally finish a game that I think has already given everything it could give, and a lot more, and move on to new projects.

As for new projects, I have Honeymoon Island, which I don't want to explore too much here on this Patreon page because I think it's too different from what you guys like and expect. But it's a project that I own 100% of the rights to and can monetize elsewhere, so from a business standpoint, I think it makes sense to continue with the game. Also, for some reason, games with those DAZ models tend to do quite well, so maybe I should at least try to give it more attention in the future to see if I can get more support.

A new Solvalley-style game with improvements all around, which I've been planning for a couple of years now, will probably be enough to improve my numbers and give me a bit more security for the future. But I don't want to touch it until Solvalley is 100% finished.

Well, I think that's all. I don't know if anyone is interested in all that I've written, so I'll stop and get back to what really matters: the scene where the MC fucks Ursula, Garnet and Charlotte at the same time.

A random image of Verdi, Kirk's mother.



Take your time. The Garnet scripts should be relatively easy. The whole storyline is one of the best you've ever done. I was wondering if it is possible to see the list of requests of your patreons for your games, since they aren't part of the roadmaps. EDIT: Also I think the alien thing could be rather fun for a small scene, since you also had something supernatural during the Alexandra ending, which turned out to be funny. I honestly thought it was supposed to be Sabrina.


The Sharing is super good, I would like more of that with Kyra like the circle jerk in the looker room. But as you said this could make the game development go on forever, so I would be happy with adding as much sharing and other stuff as you want to make it finished. On another note Honeymoon island has a good start and looks quite good, and a new game similar to Solvalley would be amazing preferably with sharing being a bigger part of the game (optional for those that dislike it).


Solvalley: - solo scene with Gianna (Kyra's sister) (but I've already done a dating scene with her so I think that's enough) - solo scene with Adria (Miranda's maid) - solo scene with Valentina (Anastacia's mother) - sharing scene with Verdi + Kirk - sharing scene with Adrianna (Sarah's mom) - solo ending Emma (the doctor) - sharing scene with Ruzena In addition to these, there are more suggestions but I can't find where I wrote them down. I need to find the files. However, I don't think I'll consider more than these. There are also scenes requested for HS Tutor: - Claire + Mom - Zoe + Mila lesbian scene - Mila (anal) - Dorothy + Garnet (boobjob) - Rachel (cum inside by accident) - Mila teaching girls naughty things in the classroom


The idea is that in the new Solvalley-style project the sharing scenes don't "leak" into the solo mode. In other words, those who turn off sharing would have a 100% vanilla HS Tutor-style experience. In Solvalley it's not like that, the "sharing" scenes leaked all the time even after I decided to separate them. And it will also be a smaller part of the game, not a bigger one, Kirk has more sex scenes in Solvalley than many protagonists have in some of their games lol!