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Poll # 3 (new project - about controversial scenes)

  • MC is the only guy in the whole game (HS Tutor Style) 67
  • There are other men, but they never participate in scenes (100% solo) 74
  • There is a "sharing" option, but 75% or more of the content is always solo (and no humiliation stuff) 61
  • The game is one big orgy where everyone has sex with everyone (except male gay stuff) 46
  • The other men serve exclusively to have their women stolen by the MC 81
  • 2023-04-24
  • 329 votes
{'title': 'Poll # 3 (new project - about controversial scenes)', 'choices': [{'text': 'MC is the only guy in the whole game (HS Tutor Style)', 'votes': 67}, {'text': 'There are other men, but they never participate in scenes (100% solo)', 'votes': 74}, {'text': 'There is a "sharing" option, but 75% or more of the content is always solo (and no humiliation stuff)', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'The game is one big orgy where everyone has sex with everyone (except male gay stuff)', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'The other men serve exclusively to have their women stolen by the MC', 'votes': 81}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 24, 18, 58, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 329}



Now it is time to address the most controversial thing that is present in Solvalley School, but not in HS Tutor: "sharing scenes".

As I've written a few times before, when I first started making Solvalley School, I had no experience at all and didn't know that people like to put themselves into characters, so I treated Alex as just another guy, even though he was the protagonist. Then I "fixed" that in HS Tutor by making the MC the only male in the whole game, and that's the way it will be until the project is finished.

But I honestly have no idea what you patrons really prefer, so let's try to clarify that in this poll. As usual, vote for whatever you want, even if it's contradictory.

Note: this will not "seal" the fate of the new project, I just want to know better what you really think and then try to make the best possible decision.

Note 2: MC = Main Character



I guess sharing is good as long as it's optional or the main focus of the game is about it, as it adds a lot of opportunities that simply aren't possible in solo mode. To clarify: HS Tutor is slowly becoming a bit boring, as it's become quite long, while Solvalley still seems to have potential for a few more versions. Sure, it features more characters, but also doesn't suffer from the limits that HS Tutor has.


Yeah, I see that type of content (which I love) just as a way to spice up things past a certain point in the story. Having just orgies right from the start wouldn't have quite the same effect either, but making the scenes wilder (if you choose so) when you know the girls better and they're more corrupted in the story is a big plus for me. It adds variety, and it's a way of "breaking the limits". It fitted Solvalley a lot. I hope TK won't stop that type of content.

Dean Lee

I love sharing