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Hello guys.

It's about 20 hours until the last day of February ends and I'm still a little far from my goal. Here is the status of the next update:

1. Visiting Scarlett (100%)
2. Date at the Restaurant + Happy Ending (100%)
3. Scarlett's Bedroom (100%)
4. Ashley 1: Cooking and having fun (100%)
5. Ashley 2:  Kitchen table (100%)
6. Ashley 3: Repeatable scene (50%)
7. Scarlett: Casual Sex (50%)
8. Scarlett: Repeatable Scene (0%)
9. Ashley + Scarlett (0%)
10. Ashley + Scarlett - Repeatable (0%)

Fixed scripts/writing: Mila, Zoe, Amelia, Rachel and Madeline

I had promised to do the update anyway before the end of February, but I was hoping to have at least all the Scarlett scenes ready, and would leave only the group scenes for next time. But as you can see, I'm not there yet.

But there's a bright side. After I realized that there would be no time to finish the update before the end of February, I decided that there was no point in rushing it, and I ended up doing extra animations, like in the climax with Scarlett's mom, which was supposed to be 2 frames that I would have done in 3 minutes, but I preferred to spend 30 minutes and do the whole animated action, which turned out pretty nice by the way.

Scarlett has a naughty side too, but those moments don't usually last long and she quickly returns to her nerdy preoccupations. Oh, and I decided to put some pictures in the middle of this post so that those who decide to read the whole thing will not die of boredom.

I'm also wondering if I should stop this month billing. I know that $3 a month is not a big deal to many of you, but I think that demonstrating good faith on my part is also important. One of the problems I see with Patreon is that delays are "beneficial" to authors, the longer they take to update, the more they get paid, and this creates a huge opportunity for people to take advantage of the system. I almost stopped this month's collection on the site settings, but I have to admit that doing it this time will be more painful because I only took 3 days off this whole month. My biggest mistake was to focus more than I should have on things that don't generate immediate content when I should have focused on the HS Tutor new scenes first. 

About the update, now that I've missed the February deadline, I'm going to do all the scenes on the list, including Scarlett's with her mother (scene 9 and 10). I want to do it as fast as possible, but without "cutting" content. For example, all repeatable scenes will have new text and new animation/positions. Although there are 5 incomplete scenes on the list, the most work will only be on the Scarlett + Ashley scene, which I haven't even started yet. The other scenes, like the repeatable Scarlett scene, which I haven't started either, reuse a lot of stuff from the first main scene, so it won't take long. But the Scarlett and Mom scene will definitely take a few more days of work.

Ashley, Scarlett's totally nymphomaniac mother, who likes to wear see-through lingerie while doing household chores and has an abnormal sensitivity in a certain spot that makes her faint with pleasure during sex.

After uploading the HS Tutor update, I'm thinking of dedicating a few days to the "weird project" I'm doing in DAZ Studio. I started the project around the beginning of 2022 as a test in my spare time, and also to test the viability of DAZ Studio for my personal style, but I never really worked too much on it. As I may have already mentioned, it is not feasible for me to use that program, my GPU does not have the necessary VRAM to render the images without various compromises, and it is impossible to make decent animations, something I consider 100% essential for my projects. But I think I'll release a "demo" anyway, maybe someone will like it, I don't know. But I probably won't continue it after publishing the demo here.

Here is an example of a screenshot of this test project I was working on. Photorealistic graphics aren't really my thing and I honestly don't have the skills to render things correctly using raytracing, but I'm going to release the first build as a bonus and probably never touch the project again. The story was supposed to be more or less serious, where the player stays with the girl in the picture for a week on an island where mysteries happen, but I have some mental problem that prevents me from keeping the theme of what I'm doing serious, those who download this build will understand what I'm talking about.

Finally, as I mentioned in an old post, I have several pictures of incomplete scenes from Solvalley School that I need to finish. There's the scene where Alex calls Lisa and Miranda to his house, with "solo" and "sharing" options, for those who like those things. I'll be working on these scenes a bit more in March, but without stopping to work on HS Tutor.

There is also an incomplete scene with Sabrina and Delilah that will be added in the next patch.

More Scarlett...

I also want to show something about the future project that will replace Solvalley School. I already know more or less how it will work (hint: the protagonist will not be as ugly as Alex), but I still have to polish a lot of things because I have some difficulties with the engine I will use in the game (Honey Select 2, the graphics will look like Solvalley, but better).

But right now I will only work on the HS Tutor scenes to get the update out as soon as possible and not make you guys mad about the delays.




I generally strongly dislike DAZ creations, specifically the models get really weird looking to me, but what you have in the screenshot looks good. If changing engines/programs gives you the motivation or ideas for new games after HSTutor and Solvalley, that's a good thing.


I don't like it either. There is something about the facial expression of DAZ models that I hate with all my heart. One thing though is that the images generated in DAZ Studio are legally mine, for example the girl I used in this test is a model named "Allisson" and I paid about $5 for her in the site promotion, but with the asset there's a contract that gives me ownership of all renders made with her. This means that a game made in DAZ would be 100% mine with no copyright issues or anything like that. So I think it's good that I at least have the minimum requirement to use the program in case some problem arises and I need a backup plan to raise some money to keep working on my games. Anyway, my priority at the moment will be to keep making Solvalley and HS Tutor style games. If some cataclysmic event happens that forces me to explore other things, at least I already have the basic knowledge of DAZ Studio. I also want to explore other alternatives like Blender in the near future.


Honestly, I'm ok with daz games but they are so numerous that at this point I think working with HS or Koikatsu might be more an upside than a downside. Especially since you're one of the few devs to do it with a lot of care. And there are even less HS2 games that exist. For example, if you plan on also including hardcore/sharing content on the new HS2 game, it'll probably be the only HS2 game (that I know) to include such scenes since the few other ones I saw were very vanilla. Personally, I love your hardcore scenes, you once said they weren't your favorites but you have a gift to always make them varied and different, and not too serious. You often try to make the girls try different things, I won't detail it too much but I just love them. Btw I'm looking forward the new Lisa + Miranda scene, two of my fav Solvalley girls. The Sabrina one too, I always liked her model (especially her face).


Before I start the new project, I'm going to do a poll here on the page to see what people think about sharing/solo scenes. I prefer not to do sharing scenes because they're too divisive and there are many players who don't like the theme but end up seeing the scenes anyway, getting angry and uncomfortable (not my intention). I know that players who hate these scenes shouldn't play them, but I understand that people want more scenes with their favorite characters, and sometimes they risk watching the sharing scene (I would do the same). I will take a good look at the future voting results and decide from there. I have also received messages from people saying that Solvalley is one of the few games that offers a more relaxed way of sharing (although some of the recent scenes have gotten too strong and on the NTR side in my opinion), so I need to know how many of my patrons are here for that particular feature before I make any decisions.