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I'm working at a crazy pace to deliver Solvalley version 3.0.0 before Christmas. This version will have the storyline of Sabrina, the last character that was introduced in the game and who didn't yet have her sex scenes.

As I wrote in the previous post, after adding her scenes I will consider myself satisfied with Solvalley and ready for new ventures. But I will release future patches adding new scenes and fix things, even if about 80% of my patrons that answered the previous poll don't seem interested in the game anymore.

There will be two changes, however. First, HS Tutor will be my priority, and after a few months a new project will take the place of Solvalley School. This project will be in the same style as Solvalley, but with higher quality in almost everything. The second change is that scene additions to Solvalley will only be done with patches. So version 3.0.0 will be the "last" to be released, and when I create new scenes that the fans are asking for, they will be made available as smaller files that you will need to unzip and drop into your game folder.

For those who don't know, Sabrina is introduced in one of Kyra's scenes and after that hardly ever appears in the game again. Now our ugly hero Alex will have the chance to meet her and obviously have sex with her. Sabrina grew up in an orphanage and is a shy and cute girl who has some bad habits like smoking and drinking. According to her, these habits were the result of the bad influence of a rebellious friend from the orphanage, Delilah. She's super short, has medium breasts and a big round ass.

Delilah is a tattooed lesbian in love with Sabrina, so she will see Alex as the rival who needs to be kept away from her friend at all costs. She will realize however that she has more in common with Alex than she thinks, but not before she clashes with our hero. She will probably be the last character introduced in the game. She's of medium height, medium buttocks, thick legs and very small tits.

Well, that's it. I want to finish everything by Friday before Christmas. It's quite a short deadline but I'm working non-stop (the new update already has 400 images). Below are the planned scenes and how much of each was done:

1. Sabrina 1 - first visit: 100% done
2. Sabrina 2 - bad habits: 100% done
3. Sabrina 3 - Delilah appears: 100% done
4. Sabrina 4 - confronting Delilah: 100% done
5. Sabrina 5 - first sex: 25% done
6. Sabrina 6 - repeatable version of the previous scene: 0% done
7. Sabrina and Delilah: 0% done
8. Sharing scene: Lisa, Miranda, Alex and Kirk: 33% done



"even if about 80% of my patrons that answered the previous poll don't seem interested in the game anymore." I can't speak for all of your patrons, but if my words, echo the thoughts of a few, I want to say that, I voted that you finish Solvalley (option C) not because I am no longer interested, but because you did amazing on the work you put in to it, in my personal opinion you've outgrown the vision of where the game would allow you to go and it shows in HS Tutor. You did such a great job on Solvalley that it became a classic in it's own right, and if games like this ever get their own documentary in the future to revisit the history, I would be surprised if this game did not make the list. You birthed, raised, nurtured and gave this project your all. Never missing a beat. I personally believe that it has grown its own legs and has its own personality and can not be replicated. This is your baby at the end of the day, and as someone who works in a similar field and understands the level of effort to what you do, I would like to see the growth you achieved from working on this game, express itself in your other projects. I think what you have with Solvalley is already perfect as it is.


First of all thank you for all your hard work and dedication! I really like what you've been creating so far and am looking forward to whatever you'll be doing next. Second, there's honestly no rush to do the Solvalley update before Christmas. I know you like to provide your supporters with a scheduled update, but if you want to leave Solvalley behind, it should be with a bang. The recently re-established prom night should provide for a good opportunity, so I'd give it a month more of work before diving into other stuff.