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I was creating the last scene with Victoria, the owner of the bar, but I noticed that even with a new repeatable sex scene things still weren't 100% satisfactory. My feeling as a player/reader is that there needed to be some kind of ending to Victoria's story and also to several other girls in the game.

Unfortunately it's not possible to make a traditional ending for each of the girls, not only because I would take too long to do it, but some girls don't even have a story that justifies it. Nothing stops me, however, from making short scenes which briefly show what would happen if the player chose Victoria or another one of the "secondary" girls as his woman.

My plan now is for each woman in the game to have her own ending, if not a traditional one, a "mini-ending". 

Note that it is not something very pretentious. For some of the girls that make small appearances like Alanna and Mary the "mini-ending" will be something quite short, a few images and animations about an alternate future and that's it. For others like Victoria or Shibuya the content will be a little more meaningful but also without much detail. The intention is just to give that "mission accomplished" feeling so that the game, when finally finished, really feels like it is finished without any loose ends.


This is Victoria, for those who don't remember.



I have really enjoyed watching your animation/design skills improve over the length of this project!