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In my last post I said that there was one week left until the update is finished, but I missed the prediction for a couple of reasons. My goal now is to get the game 100% functional by tomorrow before the end of the month.

Amazingly enough I haven't managed to do everything I wanted to do yet, so the update will stop after the "climax" of Garnet's storyline. Some days after this release I will make available a quick patch with three more scenes: the repeatable scene with Garnet, the scene with her mother, the scene with Zoe+Mila. That's because I desperately want to try to make the download link available before the end of this month.

Some images:

For those who don't remember, this is Garnet. She is the girl I purposely created to be evil and obnoxious, since she is Charlotte's antagonist. Because of this it was quite difficult to write her story and I confess that some things are a bit messy. My intention is that she would remain hostile to the protagonist for most of the time, even after the relationship with him is already advanced, and because of that I find her interactions with the Main Character annoying (at least in my opinion). My hope is that by reaching the climax of her story, the player will feel relieved to have tolerated this bitch for so long (although to be honest with her, our hero also behaves like an asshole because of her past with Charlotte).

Garnet's mother (Dorothy) plays an important role in the story, since she has a talent for convincing people to do whatever she wants with clever tricks.

Dorothy likes to relax in the bathtub after dancing (she will teach the protagonist to dance). In this update there will be no real sex scene with her, but at least the player will get a chance to see her naked and doing some naughty things. After I make this version available for download I will continue creating the last three scenes that I have already started working on, one of them being the sex scene with Dorothy.

Garnet also participates in one of the relaxation sections in the bathtub. It is at this moment that the MC realizes just how hot she is (note: in this image Garnet is wearing her hair loose).

Here is a close up of Garnet's tanned ass.

PS: I apologize for not having finished everything in time. Recently I have been having problems with this motherfucker disease called "gout", which is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the body. When I have a gout attack I am disabled for several days because the pain is unbearable. The treatment is even worse because it includes an alkaloid called "colchicine" which is literally a poison that gets us all fucked up (but when consumed under control it relieves the acute pain of gout). I am already taking the necessary steps to combat this disease so that it stops ruining my mood and my ability to work. 

For those who feel dissatisfied, you can always cancel the pledge before the beginning of the next month and resume it after day two. This way you "skip" the payment and still have access to the updates.



Anthony Docimo

take all the time you need; gout is finicky and mercurial in how fast or slow it ebbs away (speaking from experience) thanks for the preview; its excellent

Real Name

Holy cow! Take care of yourself. Love the work as always; greatly looking forward to updates, both in-game and in-Patreon.


Holy hell, I had a feeling something was wrong the other day when I commented. I didn't think it was gout of all things. Hope things get better.


Sorry about the hour man. That sounds miserable! Hope you can get it under control soon! Take the time you need. Love the game! You do a great job.