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Finally I am uploading Solvalley School v 1.5.0. It took me several months to make this version because I created very long events, but I don't intend to use this long update pattern anymore for several reasons.

The biggest problem is that the longer I take to do an update, the more chances of problems along the way. This time there were several unforeseen events, including a somewhat big problem that forced me to buy a new PC.

But in the end it all worked out. The new update adds about 25,000 lines to the game's scripts. For comparison, the update that added Amelia's entire storyline to HS Tutor only has about 12,000 lines.

The problem, however, is that I particularly feel that this update is not substantial, which is quite bizarre in view of the more than thousand images and hundreds of animations added. It turns out that despite being large, Solvalley 1.5.0 does not "feel" large, if that makes sense.

I'm also not happy with several events, especially those of the doctor Emma, but honestly I'm so tired that perhaps I'm being unfair. I'll need to rest a bit, play again later, and then try to improve what can be improved.

One mistake I made in this update was to put too much emphasis on the "sharing mode". I'm pretty sure that most players largely prefer the "solo" version (me included), but this time I made a very large event that is exclusive to the "sharing" mode (an ending where the player plays from Kirk's point of view), which was probably a lot of effort directed at something that many players won't even notice. But I tried not to stretch the scene unnecessarily.

Speaking of long scenes, Tatiana's ending stretches over unbelievable 750 CGs and is just a mess, with no clear theme and a bunch of characters having sex. In a normal game I think people would probably criticize it, but I think that people who like Solvalley probably won't mind seeing the girls and their mothers getting involved in several gratuitous sex scenes.

There will only be one more big update for Solvalley

This was the penultimate major update that I will make for this game. I know a lot of people like the characters and the craziness that is Solvalley, but I just don't feel like there is much left to do in the game. Things are starting to get repetitive and the characters are already starting to lose their personality. And I'm not taking into account the many very low quality parts that are almost impossible to fix.

The next major update will be the last and Solvalley will be considered finished.

My personal opinion about this update

As I wrote before, I might be being unfair because I only played the final version after being awake for about 30 hours so my brain is not working right anymore.  But I didn't like the final result very much. However, what consoles me is that in several moments I was laughing at things that characters like Milena say, so I guess at least there will be some entertainment potential. I think there are some hot scenes too, although I honestly think I could have done something much better with decent planning.

About the new PC

My old PC had parts that were 10 years old, such as the processor and the HD. The hard drive was definitely the worst part of it because it was extremely slow. To give you an idea, it was common for me to have to wait 15 minutes after starting Windows 10 for the PC to become usable, because during all this time the disk was at 100% and I could do nothing but wait.

I was so annoyed with that PC that when I had a problem recently, I didn't want to fix it anymore. I simply bought a whole new PC with modern parts and things like SSD that makes Windows 10 ready to use in less than 30 seconds. I spent the equivalent of what I raise in 2 months on Patreon on the new PC and my quality of life has improved considerably.

About an Android version of Solvalley

On my old PC I could not make Android versions for Solvalley because of memory problems. Now I have fucking 32GB of RAM and I swear that if I run into a memory problem I will do like Elvis Presley and shoot the screen.

One problem, however, is that Android apps have a size limit, but I think if I compress all the videos and images enough I won't have any problems.

About HS Tutor

For people who are worried about the delay of the latest Solvalley update, don't worry, it won't take me several months to make a new version for HS Tutor.

I will rest for a couple of days now and then resume HS Tutor immediately and try to release a mid-range update in 1 month. 


I wrote all these things above because I am waiting for the Solvalley School files to be uploaded. The game is already very big (5GB) but I won't make a compressed version right away because I'll need to rest for at least two days.

I will make the full version and the patch available for both PC and MAC. After a couple of days I will compress the images and videos and make a lighter version of the game in addition to the Android version, if all goes well.



Looking forward to your next update! Really enjoy your games!

Steven W.

How could you tolerate this for so long ... my father has a 12 year old motherboard that boots Win 10 in less than a minute. Yes, that's just because of the SSD (which is also 8 years old now). Or asked differently, which genius designed your old PC? ..... But it's good to hear you're set now.


Bruh 15 minutes on startup? I would’ve smashed that shit to bits lol


" In a normal game I think people would probably criticize it, but I think that people who like Solvalley probably won't mind" You know your fans sir! The more gratuitus-er the better-er!


Well, count on me to enjoy playing in that ending as Kirk lol. Though, even if I'm glad you made those sharing scenes, I feel kind of bad that you didn't seem to enjoy making them that much. What remains important is that you like what you do, don't force yourself.