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Sorry for the absence of a week, but I had to do things in "real life" and that is why I worked the whole past week during the night (10 pm to 6 am). Now things are back to normal!

Well, I finally finished Ruzena's last scene. I made a mistake in this scene and made a very large scope. For example, it starts with Ruzena spending two weeks at the player's house, and for some reason I decided that each of the 14 days would have a little scene. Then I realized that if I really did that, I would be working on that scene forever, so I did the events for the first four days and then I just finished the story, along with a little scene with her sister and mother. 

Ruzena's family follows the same logic as HS Tutor: the daughter is naive and innocent while the mother is a total slut (note: for those who don't like this formula at HS Tutor, I won't keep it for all mothers, on the contrary, Amelia’s mother who will appear in the next update will be a good, non-slut person).

In addition to the end scene of Ruzena, I'm recreating Tatiana's storyline. Now her relationship with Alex and Milena will be more detailed and friendly. In the old versions, Milena simply turned Tatiana into her sex slave on her first date at the cinema, but now Milena is more human and the loving trio between Alex and the two girls will be a little better done. Alex also had sex with Milena's mother at the first event before, but now he will need two (lol)... For those who have already finished her storyline in previous versions, I will unlock all the scenes in the replay gallery, including the new ones, so you won't need to play the game again.

Milena tries to teach Tatie to dance

For now, the new update has almost 700 new images and approximately 70 animations (plus several and several pages of text). It is more than enough for an update, but I still need to work on more things, which I am doing in the most intense way possible, but respecting the limits so I don't get stressed.

I am not going to predict when I will finish because I thought I would be able to do everything in a week, but I worked hard for 7 days and there are still a lot of things to do. For sure the update will be ready before the end of the month and I will do everything to be ready long before that!



Real Name

If it ain't broke... :) Thanks for the update! Take your time and release what you're satisfied with. <3


Feedback: "I did the events for the first four days and then I just finished the story, along with a little scene with her sister and mother." Sounds fine, except for the word "little". That scene sounds like the best part of the story line! Make it glorious! "the daughter is naive and innocent while the mother is a total slut" Yes please. "(note: for those who don't like this formula" These people are monsters and can be ignored, assuming they even exist. "I won't keep it for all mothers, on the contrary, Amelia’s mother who will appear in the next update will be a good, non-slut person" I fail to see how "good" and "non-slut" go together in SolValley, but let's move on. Let's just hope that her slut daughter is able to corrupt her (with the MC's help, of course). "In the old versions, Milena simply turned Tatiana into her sex slave on her first date at the cinema," You say this like it's a bad thing. That bit was hot as hell. "but now Milena is more human and the loving trio between Alex and the two girls will be a little better done" That's nice too, but why not do it with a new character? Milena deserves a nice sex slave. "Alex also had sex with Milena's mother at the first event before, but now he will need two" That works too. More mothers is almost as good as more daughters. "I am not going to predict when I will finish because I thought I would be able to do everything in a week" .... says everyone who ever worked on any project in a computer. Take as long as you need to get it right. Have fun with the story. "For sure the update will be ready before the end of the month" A year from now nobody will remember if it came out in October or November. Don't worry so much about it. Keep up with the progress posting, take your time, do it right, don't overwork yourself.


Please take as much time as you need. I prefer more (and the best) Solvalley content you can do even if it means more time. Especially considering updates for this awesome game will be rarer in the future. I wish this game was eternal ahah.


Thanks for the Tati update TK! I hope we can get an ending with her in the future and more sex with her mom too. :)