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Week of 19/2 - 25/2

Draka: 9468 words

Splinter Angel: 2760 words

Week of 26/2 - 3/3

Draka: 9461 words

Splinter Angel: 3613 words

Currently working on

Draka: Chapter 123

Splinter Angel: Chapter 30

Alright! The wordcount per week for Draka is picking up again, though I'd prefer to get back above 10k per week on average. Still, it's better that replacement rate, so to speak, writing about three chapters per week.

I've also been completely forgetting about my promise to myself to let myself write more other stuff as long as I get two chapter done. It's a hard habit to break. I haven't missed a single day of writing Draka since I got started back in June, even when I was spending all day flying, and I feel kinda bad if I write less than 500 words on any given day, even if I got over 2000 done on Splinter Angel. The human brain is weird and stupid sometimes.

Hope you all had a good weekend!



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