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So, on the Friday chapter on Royal Road I mentioned that I'm starting to do an editing pass. I figured that I'd repeat and elaborate on that here.

I'm far enough into Draka now that I feel that I need to reread my own work and polish it a bit. To that end I've started from the beginning, and to me, it looks a little rough. Not bad; I'm quite happy with my work, to be honest. But there's a lot of weird stuff with tenses, addressing the reader, and continuity that I'm cleaning up, and it feels great!

I'm also trying to add some colour. I want to try and add some light touches here and there to bring the setting to life a bit more, but I also want to do it from the perspective of what Draka would notice and think about, so we'll see how much I do with that.

I will also probably be adding some small scenes here and there, and possibly cutting others that feel like filler when I reread. What I will not be doing is adding or removing anything that changes the timeline, character development, or any major plot points. Not only would it be too much of a headache to keep everything straight at this point, but I'm happy with those aspects. I might try to strengthen some characters, but only if I feel confident that it would improve the reading experience.

Once I have a significant number of chapters in a place where I'm happy with them, I'll update on Royal Road. I won't be editing what's on here. I will make an announcement here whenever I do, so that anyone who wants to re-read can do so. I'll probably point out larger changes, like if I add a whole scene somewhere, but smaller not ones.

This will of course eat into my writing time, but no worries. I have plenty of backlog, so even if I only write one or one-and-a-half new chapters every week for a while you shouldn't notice.

That's about it. Have a lovely weekend!



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