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Week of 25/12 - 31/12

Draka: 9475 words

Guardian Angel: 2781 words

Week of 1/1 - 7/1

Draka: 9508 words

Guardian Angel: 2759 words

Currently working on

Draka: Chapter 103

Guardian Angel: Chapter 25

Wow.  The week between Christmas and New Year's was pretty busy and I knew that I'd dropped off on Guardian Angel the last two weeks, but no that it was to that extent. Draka picked up again, though, averaging something like 2.5 chapters per week. I've been doing more editing than normal, as well, on both stories. Oh, and I got another half of a chapter done on Starmind when the mood took me.

Draka is, of course, my main focus, and writing is going well. I've just been taking more time for other things lately. I'm also pretty happy with where Guardian Angel and Starmind are going. If only I had another 3 or 4 hours a day to dedicate to writing. Ah, well.

I'm pretty sure that I'm near the end of part 3 of Draka. However, I'm also pretty sure that what's chapter 103 right now won't be in the near future. It feels like something is missing, and I might have to insert a chapter or two, maybe shuffle some things around. We'll see. I also know some parts where I want to do minor rewrites and additions, so some of the chapters may end up being a bit longer. By simple word count part three is definitely shaping up to be a bit longer than parts 1 or 2. Not by a huge amount, but part 3 is currently at about 108k words and I expect it to get to perhaps 120k in the end. Time will tell.

Thanks for reading, and much love.



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