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Sneaking some time to do one of these on Christmas Day. Hope you all are having some wonderful holidays, wherever you are and whoever you're spending them with!

I'll do this the same way I did last time, meaning I'll include Guardian Angel as well.

Week of 11/12 - 17/12

Draka: 7534 words

Guardian Angel: 12516 words

Week of 18/12 - 24/12

Draka: 7387 words

Guardian Angel: 3555 words

Currently working on

Draka: Chapter 98

Guardian Angel: Chapter 23

Another big week for Guardian Angel, followed by one where I did a lot of editing on Draka instead of new writing. I'm still consciously trying to work on things other than Draka once I hit two new chapters for the week, but when I get into a good editing groove it's hard to stop. It's just really satisfying to find things that don't feel like they work, or which don't read as well as I though they did when I first put them down, and fixing them. I'm hoping to finish an editing pass on the rest of what I've got by the end of this week, which also just so happens to be the end of the year!

Oh, and I've also done another 2200 words on Starmind, besides doing some system-crafting. It's still very much something I turn to when the words aren't coming for my main stories, but it's not forgotten. I think it could go somewhere, given enough time.

I hope this last week of the year treats you all well.

Thanks for reading,



Allyion Sol

Super hyped for Starmind, Have a wonderful Christmas!