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Hi everyone, this is going to be short. It's been a hectic but very good last few days, and it's going to continue that way for a while, but since I have some time I wanted to do one of these.

Week of 30/10 - 5/11: 10835 words

Week of 6/11 - 12/11: 5639 words

Currently working on chapter 88

So I've actually been getting a little bit of writing done since I went on my trip, averaging about 500 words a day on Draka and nothing else. I'm going to try to do a bit of Guardian Angel the next few days since I have some ideas for that and I have good backlog for Draka. We'll see! Focusing on spending time with the family right now, you know how it is.

I'll keep checking in, but it looks like everything's going fine with the scheduled updates, so that's good. Hope you all enjoy 'em!




Enjoy your free time! Every time I read one of your reports I think... What is this notation for weeks? Ah, American dates... But... Why not just use calenders weeks? Like this week is 46. Don't mind me, just my brain fixing on random numbers


The first time I wrote one of these I used calendar weeks. Then before I posted I looked at it and thought, "No one's going to know what the hell I mean," so I changed it :D