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Week of 4/3 - 10/3

Draka: 8331 words

Splinter Angel: 3206 words

Week of 11/3 - 17/3

Draka: 8051 words

Splinter Angel: 3719 words

Fuckaround-itis 4/3-17/3

About 9400 words

Currently working on

Draka: Chapter 128

Splinter Angel: Chapter 32

Still keeping up just fine, writing faster than I publish! Draka numbers are down a little, for two reasons. One, I've had some publishing stuff to deal with (ball is now rolling on cover art for book one. Very exciting!), and two, I've been forcing myself to work on things other than Draka. It's hard to stay away sometimes. I'm enjoying the work a lot, but I also worry that I might burn out on the story if I let myself do only that and not work on little side projects every so often.

Splinter Angel hit the 100k mark yesterday, during a solid almost-3k afternoon writing session. I've been mostly fleshing out some System stuff. I don't regret Draka being very light on mechanics, but mucking about with the numbers has been far more fun and satisfying than I expected.

I should probably get around to putting Angel on RR one of these days, but, eh. Not like it's got an expiration date.

Thanks for reading!



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