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~Mother Lugia
~Grandfather Giratina
~Zygarde Core

This Month's Special
~Clover & Alex 



Alex: just out of the blue what made you think that silver and her family are “normal” people? Clover: what are your feelings towards yellow? What do you see him as?

Akari Haize

To Red, Blue and Green : What do you think of your little brother Yellow having such a close relationship with Clover ? Have you ever got a Pokemon that meet your eye ?


The Kids: What is a normal day around the house like? I want to see it from an innocent’s point of view.


To everyone who do you think irritates you the most be honest

Zhon Lord

Latias: In all honesty, which form do you prefer on Azzi more? (don't worry, we won't tell him)


Azula: what got you into worshipping the almighty helix?

Zhon Lord

Shira: What have you had Yumi doing lately?


Gally: why so minty

Zhon Lord

Red & Blue: How's the Guardian training going?


Azzi: so you got the moat crap dragon type move, how disappointed are you


Finn: hi Finn say have you ever wanted to model a naughty toy after Silver?


Meagan: had anyone recently outlasted you in bed besides possibly male silver, and can you even be out dommed


To Azzilan: King Dumb… I mean, Azzi my fine man! how are you?. Tell me, how did you FEEL when you where powered up with MEGA energy?. Did you feel like you could lift a mountain?.


To Green: Psst!, Hey!, Buddy!. Keep your voice down, i don't want your mother/The boss lady to hear me ask you this. How do you feel about Azula wanting to get your D and take your V card?. Have you been feeling strange and flustered ever since she started to come on to you more here as of late?.


To Hoopa: Hey there you little gremlin!, how are you?. Tell me, you can open portals to other dimensions right?. What is the strangest dimension you've ever seen and been too?.


To Latias: Well, it is clear that you and Azzi share quite a bond together. Since it seems like you have been staying with Azzi for a bit, how have you been getting along with the rest of Silver's household? Is there anyone you've gotten close to that you didn't expect?


Silver if you could spend one hour with your mother what would you do?


Hey meagan! Have you seen azzilan new dragon form? Its quite.. girthy ;)


To Silver "What is the largest cock you can handle?"


To Azula: When you were living as a human in Unova, what did you do for money? Considering the lifestyle of your neighbors, am I wrong to assume you were earning a lot?


To Azzilan so big guy having second thought on your new mega form

Norvin Fisk

To clover : you and Yellow are totally adorable together, have you had a sleepover yet? Also, what do you think of the RGB trio?


To Zygarde core: Recently you went into your 10% form, do you miss being in your 50% form, or even 100% form?

Kaeli Cedarfallen

Azula, Sergen, Meagan: Out of the main cast, you're the only ones who haven't (canonically) had sex with a Legendary/Mythical (at least as far as we know). If you got the chance, which one would you want to get in bed with the most? (Green is not a valid answer, I mean SPECIES!)

Gravo Guthaus

To Green and Yellow. Since the two of you stay home with your mom, what's your favorite thing to do in terms of everyday activities?

Joshua Stuard

To Silver: So far, you've had Green, Red, Blue, and Yellow, all boys. Do you and Lugia/Yveltal ever plan on having a girl?


To Hoopa: What's the sexiest thing you can use your powers for and i dare you to do it to one of the cast members of the comic? <3


Hey Azula: have you ever disguised yourself as one the others to get a second turn with fucking silver? (Like azzi or shamrock)


To Silver: if you ever got a chance to meat Arceus, what would you ask her?