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So this was meant to be the second official comic last month (Boom Bunny was sponsored). Don't worry it won't count towards this month's comics.

In truth I put this comic last month because I felt Boom Bunny would be pretty popular. I've had the Lineart for this idea for a while but in truth I'm not entirely happy with how this one came out both in terms of design and paneling. Probably a candidate for a remake at some point if people show interest.

The basic idea here is that the pantheons of the various gods in Marvel are dying to a mysterious disease, but some gods like Thor and Herc are immune, this leading to the 'Solution.'

I think the idea of turning Thor into goddesses of different religions has some potential for fun ideas, unfortunately it also has a lot of potential to be offensive depending on how its done so I would have to really think it through.

For those wondering why this would affect Thor, the hammer is often depicted in the comics as caring about the ability to lead effectively and so the idea here is 'Thera' now has inherent desire to be a mother despite her protests thus making her unfit to lead.



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