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An idea born from a random image I saw on Discord of Bakugo as a maid. The final design is heavily-inspired (read: copied) from that image so I hope that doesn't put anyone off.

If the order of events is not clear, Bakugo intercepted some villains from robbing a rich guy, but the rich guy had actually left the cash vulnerable as a trap so that he could use his quirk to get more maids. Since Bakugo single-handedly destroyed all the cash he becomes the maid instead. I did not put a ton of thought into this setup honestly. Was the cash just in a big pile under a box with a stick? Who knows!  The ending was a last minute addition where I thought it would be funny/hot to imply Bakugo is sort of into the whole thing as a result of never being bossed around his whole life. As always college universe, etc etc.




Pretty hot. Side note I'd love to see some bondage tfs