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I wanted to apologize to everyone for the poor upload schedule of last month. A combination of poor planning, poor communication, bad luck, and irl issues just lead to a clusterfuck where I didn't even get both proper comics out.   In the future I'll stick to my laid out plans rather than jeapordize everything to cash in on a holiday.

The rest of this year has a solid schedule and I will only add extra content to it rather than try to move things around. The missing Halloween Comic will go up on the 7th or 8th though it might not be shaded yet...

As it turns out my new shading partner took a 3 week mountain retreat in October with no internet without telling me which is why all the shading was out of wack.

I was also burdened with IRL things and as a result didn't give an outlook on this month. As you've already seen there was a Captain America comic to start us off. In the coming weeks there will be the Pokemon comic that was intended for last month as well as the first re-shade of a past comic. 

The second main comic of the month will be our first return to Naruto since the Patreon launched and its a comic I'm personally very proud of and super happy with. 

Lastly I have a little sneak peek at something that I want to be a regular feature for next year as an apology for the troubles of last month so please look forward to that.


Roger Lafave

It happens! Sorry to hear life got in your way!