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And so here's the complete comic.

As I said in an earlier post the idea here was inspired by the fact that Briar is a Dark Magic user but unlike most other magic in that category in this universe, it seems rather tame based on what we see in the series. Considering the destructive power of some of the other magic the good guys use it almost seems like a plot hole. So this story is my way of justifying it, but in a hot way!

I really like Briar's design and feel she was unfortunately forgotten in the sea of Lucy and Erza fanart. As a fan of these lesser known girls I try to incorporate them where I can.

This comic is possibly my most focused on physical transformation of anything I've done as well as being, in some ways, more explicit. So I'm curious how people feel about this sort of thing. Funnily despite being a more change focused comic I still wound up making it very complicated with the magic lore I made up, instead of just having there be a 'tg spell go!'



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