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Sorry for the lateness. Kept changing my mind on the script here and I let my indecisiveness push stuff back.

Idea I've had for a while but took some time to figure out the sort of 'picture in a picture' mechanics of it though I'm fairly happy with how it came out. Its a sort of tg mechanic I think is a lot of fun.

I do hope this isn't a huge spoiler for anyone though I personally don't think its a huge deal. I struggled a lot with writing this one partially because I kind of forgot how he talked? Its sort of a polite traditional way which I guess I sort of got across? I'm not sure. I also could not remember if Luffy called him by his name or not (or if they ever even talked) so I settled on 'Kanjubro' as something that felt sort of like something he'd say. Sorry if I got it wrong.

As the title and last page indicate this comic will continue. I have 4 parts planned, making it the first time since Disguise 101 that I've done a comic separated over releases so I hope you look forward to the next one!



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