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This is based on this piece by DragonFangX, itself based on work by UsaRitsu. I really loved the design and wanted to do my own take on the idea.

I think the idea got very high concept. For those who haven't played Link's Awakening the whole game takes place in the dream of a god like creature called the Wind Fish. The plot of the game is the Wind Fish wants to wake up so it sends Link into the dream to basically force it awake.

In this version of events the Wind Fish doesn't want to wake up and instead wants... Other things. And uses Link as material to get what it wants.

To be perfectly honest I didn't know where to take it after page 1 so it become a Moblin gang up and then I added the raccoon because why not there's space.




Not into non humans but glad someone else remembered the wind fish priestess link design. One of my favorite tgs