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Ok first off sorry I missed last months post, I thought I would have a build release, so I initially decided to wait. Then work got under way and I honestly didn't realize I hadn't made a post for the month. 


In good news though February was an extremely busy month! Most of the reason I wasn't thinking of it was because I was focused on the update until like... the 25th. So this next release is shaping up to be the biggest update ever. I don't know exactly when it will be released this month, but that is the current goal!

Now I'm going to explain what's planned to be included in the next build,  but I won't explain everything as some stuff may get cut temporarily.

The reason this needs to be the biggest update ever, is because of the nature of the changes one thing won't work without other things. So I basically need to have everything at once, or it simply won't work.

  • Trainer Elements! This is the core of why this update has to be so huge. This will affect progression, unlocks, and what things Naomi will wear. Some things may change as we want all content currently available to be playable. But generally, as the system works should remain the same. Things you do affect certain values which will affect certain other values. How this is communicated may change over time.
  • Full Saving! Game progress is now saved, along with outfits and custom outfits! Because of the trainer elements saving was mandatory. But meanwhile outfit saving has been reimplemented, and support for saving multiple preset outfits has also been added. Saving will only be allowed at activity selection (usually evening, sometimes afternoon phase), saving mid story dialogue likely won't be allowed.
  • Act 0- 4, additionally because of the trainer elements tying to story progression, it is ideal the story be included. So we're also working on adding the story up to act 4, but maybe not concluding act 4. The implementation of Act 0 -4 may not be 100% complete but it should be at least functional. This also means the game needs some new 3D locations, some 2D sprites, tutorials and unlocks and such, on it's own this is a big undertaking. The reason for Act 4 specifically is that's when most lewd content unlocks.
  • This also means new side events and activity dialogue!
  • Quickie mode added! Requires save data, loads only unlocked outfits and lewd content.
  • New lewd content! I won't be too specific here for now, some story related, others training related... Blowjobs are involved.
  • Reimplementation of Gropes to sex sim, adding Buffs and Dialogue Choices to sex sim. These are important due to how sex sim will affect stats.
  • Outfit store! Outfit items will not be all unlocked at the start, items are instead bought with "spare cash" earned regularly based on certain stats. 
  • New Outfit Items largely needed for some story events.
  • Many technical changes like asynchronous outfit and scene loading.
  • Further expansion of localization support
  • More!

Hopefully this helps you see why I've been so quiet, there's a ton to do and so much of this can't work without the other so it ALL needs to be done. I'll be trying to make some posts explaining some of the new stuff soon for supporters only. 

Like I said the goal is to get an initial release with this content out before the end of this month. That would be the most ideal case. Some of this work is dependent on contracted work, and that is dependent on their lives. I do not hire people part-time or full-time currently, so sometimes these things are up in the air.

One major concern is preservation of save data across updates, I'll try to mitigate this problem where possible or provide fall back solutions. 

Thanks for your support and patience!

I'm sorry it kind of seems like once again things are in a slow period, but this should be well worth it. In short, finally getting a proper game!

I might somewhat go back into silence again, but I do plan on streaming some animation work soon. So keep an eye out for that email if you're curious.





Things take time. Pretty excited to see the big update and goals tho! Thanks for all the work!


Wow, the next update sounds amazing. The quality of the animations has been there since day 1, but it will be great to see the characters and story evolve. Keep up the good work ,)


can we get new hairstyles and colors asap? been looking forward to blonde/red/brown/ and ponytails and stuff. keep up the good work :)


We are rootin for ya! Much love!


Can we at least have the latest build available on Mac?