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The request raffle and devstream happened at the same time :O

I didn't exactly plan for it but a lot of work got done and there should be a build soon! Likely before the end of the month! 

I guess I kind of didn't think that the request Raffle and devstream were possible at the same time, but MiNT really came through for everything! Please thank him for his hard work! I think we're on track to a public release by the end of next month or something in that range. As the rest of what needs to be done are mainly related to animation masking functions, and perhaps basic text dialogue functions. Everything is looking very promising beyond a couple of issues I'm expecting in relation to certain mouth animations.

I intended to release build today but some bugs need to be resolved first as they make the game unplayable. But expect it very very soon (maybe still today).

As for the request raffle that was AWESOME, lots of fantastic requests were made and it did the majority in color! I was a bit worried about disaster but surprisingly it worked out really well. I'm faster than i think i guess. 

Patrons have access to all the PSD's in the previous post and you can look forward to the next raffle on the 31st of march which is the last Saturday of the month just like this time.

I'm looking forward to another great month, and I thank you for all your support!

