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I went back and cleaned up some glaring errors in Heart on His Sleeve and posted the collective post for the new Chapter2 pages so you can see them all together as they're added. Here's one of the updates, I moved Eli's eyes farther apart and made his hips a little more human. the others edits are smaller changes. Thanks as always guys for being here! Hope to have some more new content shortly.



Allan Meyer

Uncanny how human nature perceives those faces as almost two different people, brothers or cousins.


The more I looked at it when I showed people the comic, the more I felt like I lost the "Eli" look for his face. Also I felt like his proportions weren't enticing as they looked too cartoony and discordant with earlier depictions, so I was glad I could go back in and give it a touch up before Twitter and discord get a better look at it in a couple weeks