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Okay kids! As we roll into the end of the year here I just want to take stock of where we've gone and where we're going.

This past year I publicly released The Red Menace, Cabaret Bara released The Red Menace Part 2, and I also have released the "Who's in Running Things?" connector comic, and Heart on His Sleeve released here on Patreon. In addition to these comics I've also made a handful of supporting artwork and illustrations and plan to do a few more before the end of the year.

I consider Heart on His Sleeve to be a sort of book-end to the first segment of Eli's larger story. "Chapter 1" if you will. Eli moved to Woodport, met his roommate and a bunch of other characters, and got his bearings. Now, I'm excited to start exploring the concept I have for a larger overarching story that we'll occasionally revisit throughout the run of the series. I want it to be an engaging one that can leave fans searching for the next bits of information, while also not distracting too far from the fun, (and hopefully funny) story-by-story smut that you can jump into and out of without feeling too lost. For this I hope you all will help me by clarifying if something confuses you, if something strikes a discordant tone, or seems to not fit into a logical place. Your feedback is valuable, both positive and constructive, so please sound off.

Currently I'm simultaneously sketching out pages for the first connector comic of the new chapter, drawing finer lines on the initial pages, and brainstorming for holiday artwork. I hope to have more to show soon, so thank you for your patience.

On another note, my comics were leaked on a website where people often post works like mine. That is to say, SOME of my comics were leaked, and they were posted in various states of completion. The poster might be reading this, but this goes for anyone here, feel free to post wherever you'd like as long as you aren't taking credit yourself, you post a link to my social media if able, and just wait until content is publicly posted so that Patreon remains a draw for that early access. I honestly love seeing my content popping up around the internet, use it for memes! share it wherever you think someone would enjoy it! Just give folks a way to find the rest of the story if/when you can. I don't rely on my income from Patreon to support myself, I have a day job in addition to my art, but I would like to continue to offer patrons something they can't get anywhere else, and leaks of the content here do undermine that, so I just ask that people be thoughtful when posting.

That's all for now folks! Thanks again for being here, and for your continued support. See you soon with some new stuff to gawk at! 


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