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Alrighty folks, it's time to get to know our blonde, beloved, himbo. 

Eli McKaber in The Red Menace follows shortly after the events of Pressure Point. Eli and Cliff go out on the town and run into an old acquaintance. That dredges up suppressed memories about the life Eli lived once-upon-a-time. Did you know Eli used to have long hair? Wonder what happened?
I've already got the first 15 pages sketched out and just as soon as I reach the act break I'll be posting the story so far, right here on Patreon!
Better yet, I'm partnering with another artist on this one, so you get TWO stories intertwined around each other. Stick around here to see PART 1, from Eli's perspective, and hang around a little longer to see PART 2 from.... Well maybe I won't spoil the surprise just yet. It'll become very clear, very soon. ;D

Thanks as always for your patience and support! I can't wait to see what you guys think of this one!



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