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Hey there guys, just wanted to check in and let you know how it's going!

With the Manspreading GIF released, I saw a more than doubling of my audience both here and on Twitter. (note to self, keep drawing occasional NSFW animations)
The response has been amazing and I'm so happy to have more people along on this story with me. 

That being said, with Christmas, the New Year, and my birthday all falling around the same time of year, I tend to slow down a bit around now. But I feel like I'm already getting the wind back under me and I'll try to keep churning out content. So far I've got the first four pages of "WoodPort 101" lined and ready for color, I'm going to try to continue to make routine headway on that project. (So as to not inundate you with emails, I've been updating the original post rather than adding new posts) I'll occasionally take a break from that to do other simple projects and break it up, but the comic book is taking my primary focus at the moment. 

I've also had someone reach out asking if there's a way to buy a physical copy of my comics. I don't have that set up at the moment, but I'm trying to see if there would be any interest in a physical printed version of my work, or in other swag, so if it's something you'd like to see, please message me and let me know so I can gauge any interest!

Thanks again for being here! I should have more to show very soon!


Jake Rundle

Does the drawing program you use allow to screen capture your process? I’d love to see a Timelapse video of how you draw a page.


I've got a stream on picarto I have turned on a couple times, I'd use it more often if there was any interest in seeing it! I can shoot you the link

