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These alternate endings are included as attachment on the original post but I think they deserved their own post.

Alternate Ending 1 takes place after part 9. May finishes growing to Misty's size and the pair of Giantess' get ready to fight for supremacy... Only to be interupted be a giant Dawn who puts them in their place by towering over them. Dawn crouches down with an angry expression and reaches out to grab Misty and May like dolls.

In Alternate Ending 2 Misty finally gets to wipe May's smug look of her face. After part 11 May taunts and laughs at the now shorter giantess. Misty turns red and she screams up at May. Suddenly Misty is gone and May's surroundings have gone darker. May looks up to see Misty who had snapped and unleashed her full power. Misty shot up to giga size in a split second, now towering over May like a bug. But she's far from a real bug as the civilians below continue to scream and run from May, Misty now being so huge they can't fully comprehend her.



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