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I was thinking maybe I should make the examples more fleshed out, especially the part when I said my sketch don't matter.

So I'll make it more focus on the first three, (and keep the others just here)

A finished one, a rough sketch, and a really whatever that is XDD to show it more clear how it actually really doesn't matter.... and added another more different model to make the difference even more clear.


I saw a discussion of whether AI art requires actual skill to generate AI-assisted art with your sketch.

I was also curious about what AI would make with my art, so I tried doing that and sharing some thoughts...

In conclusion, my art doesn't matter....

Whether it is finished art, rough sketch or whatever...

What model you use is what matters, my art is only there as a general guide to the AI.

And it does require skill, the skill to copy-paste and generate the picture you want...

I mean, the skill of wording (prompting) and knowing the required tools to generate the perfect image you want.

And if you can't generate the result that you want, it could be that you need a specific model, settings, or tool for it, or the wording prompt wasn't clear for the AI.

You can either keep generating until you get close to the result you want, or edit a specific spot manually in a different section.

Though this result is still RNG, only on a smaller scale.

It's just like modding....download A to get this style and B for this specific pose, install C for better details, etc...

(And a good PC....It takes me minutes to generate one 640*1024 image...)

Or like image editing, grabbing stuff around and putting them together with Photoshop, but with AI, you write and describe what you want with the right prompts and tools and have the machine do it for you, which makes it easy for anyone to do if you really want to get into it.

I don't hate AI images, and I had fun playing around with this, so I can see the appeal and why many people like it, and I think it's okay to enjoy it. 

But...I wouldn't say it's my drawing art skill that made the art, and to say or think it's just the AI "assisting" me is delusional when I rely more on the AI and other people's work to make these images.

It's not AI-assisted art. It's closer to human-assisted AI-generated images.

(Unless your AI only runs with your own trained character model, designs, background, hairstyles, clothing, etc..)

(I also uploaded the generated PNG files, if you're interested XDD)



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