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Full resolution GIF sticker of the LINE sticker set release this month. C:

Oh..my fucking god...this is one of the most stressful sets I made, it got rejected 5 times, and I am racing with time (to release it before Halloween ends)

And the reviewer turning a U-turn on me..like...

Everything seemed alright. I edited the sticker, but then I got rejected AGAIN! 

The dude's like, "Hoooold up, wait a min!!"

And told me, Sophia's outfit has no clear copyright ownership!? And I'm like, WTF!?

Okay, okay, this dude watched Cyberpunk, damn it...

so I edited her jacket to just bland black and turned her gun Yellow and blue,

on the 2 stickers, and it still got rejected!!

To the point that I need to change her hairstyle...I'm like...oh my god... are you serious!? I can't use twin ponytails!? Even with a bland jacket and a different color gun!?  it's clearly a different character, boss!!

(They didn't exactly say that, but that's what they imply...their reasons are always vague, which is frustrating...)

And I can't gamble to send a request again, because of time....

To see if the other reviewer will be more accepting, because this is the third reviewer, and the second reviewer rejected the most stickers.......

The second reviewer's rejection of Sophia was like......" no, no, guns are offensive. You shouldn't point that to people." *reject*

"Ooh, is that blood on Molly's knife?" *Reject*

"Is that blood on Sara's shirt...? no, siiry Bob, not on my watch"*Reject*

Really...? really....!!?

Who's reviewing this!? Ned Flanders!?

I'll just stop the rant here XD you'll see it if you use LINE, and I'm keeping the original the way they are for the GIF's XD

Thank you very much for the support C:



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